While entering the restaurant I made the usual enquiry to be sure that they had an English menu and it was just as well that I did. While flicking through the menu looking for something lightish to have for lunch I noticed that the menu contained dishes with dog meat as well as the pigs intestines I had seen on other menus. I am sure that both of these are nutritious and tasty but I don't want to eat either (or chicken's feet) unless I am desperate through starvation. If the menu had just been in Chinese and pictures of dishes I could well have been caught out. Anyway I ended up with a nice spicy duck dish cooked in the Hunan style. As usual there was far too much food but at around 35 RMB I felt justified in leaving some in the bowl.
Returning to the hotel prior to my meeting with Peter I took this shot of the St Regis from Dongfang Road.
All of the streets that we saw in and around Shanghai were named in both simplified Chinese characters and in English which made it fairly easy to not get (too) lost. A couple of times the taxi drivers (different ones) taking us to the office got a little lost but they didn't take too long to find the trail of breadcrumbs again.
Back at the hotel I met Peter as arranged at 3PM and he suggested that we head over to the Shanghai side to do a bit of sightseeing. He was still coughing badly but had staunchly come out to make me welcome in his city. We took a taxi to the Bund and had a bit of a stroll along to look at the river and the city from the river. The weather was very hazy so photographs there would have been useless. It was quite cool so we crossed the road using the pedestrian underpass and walked down 'The Golden Mile' of the Bund. Peter pointed out the Peace Hotel building which also houses a bank. Unfortunately the hotel is undergoing restoration so, even though Peter's firm is involved in the project, we weren't allowed in. There was much controversy when it was built. Here is a link to some history (albeit with a biased 'feel' to it).
Following Yu Gardens we jumped into yet another taxi and headed over to Xintiandi in the French Concession off Huaihai Road. Here there are many original buildings which have been restored with the outsides kept original but the insides modernised. We walked around and looked at some of this architecture which is typically like is shown in this photograph.