Tuesday, 12 December 2006

Cornwall (2)

For our second full day in Cornwall we headed west again but this time on the main A390 passing through St Austell, Truro, before joining up to The A394 taking us to Penzance. The weather had been perfect for our trip so far and this day was no exception. A little cooler than we are accustomed to back home but bright and sunny anyway.

On the way to Penzance we turned off at Helston to detour to The Lizard where there were some great views.
I took a walk right down to the water's edge at Lizard Point and took the photo above looking back up 'the boat ramp' which was at the bottom end of the walk.

Just before we got to Penzance we detoured to Marazion to view St Michaels Mount. This was quite appropriate because we knew that Garth was also visiting Mt St Michel in France today. I sent him an SMS from Marazion to celebrate the occassion.

The Cornish St Michaels Mount was not open for tourists at this time of year so we had to be content with viewing it from the distance. I haven't researched the history buut I wonder if there wasn't a bit of copy-catting going on?

Duly arriving in Penzance we didn't spot a single pirate (at least not one wearing conventional pirate garb). What a rip off! After lunching in Penzance (I had another 'only authentic Cornish Pasty') we headed for Lands End. Looking out past the lighthouse we were able to 'just' see the Scilly Isles on the horizon.The photograph doesn't really do it justice but it does show what a pleasant day it was.

Feeling a bit 'sighted out' we turned around and meandered back via the A30 again to relax for the remains of the day at 'our cottage'.

I took the opportunity of the free PC and broadband internet access at the cottages to check email and attempt to make some onward hotel bookings with zero success. Ho hum - but that's another story.

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